Jules is convinced that as long as he can't see you, he's hiding. If he's laughing & talking, you still can't see him. There are many times Jules will just look at you randomly & blurt out, "Let's hide!" & run off to get anything...a washcloth will do. Again, as long as he can't see you the magic of hiding is that you can't see him. Of course it's not fun unless we play it up. So we get to look like idiots who can't see a kid hiding his face behind a piece of junk mail, while he cackles with pure delight, even asking us while he's hiding "wheres Jules?!" or answering with a laugh & saying "no" when we suggest a place he totally isn't at. Of course, sometimes he does better hiding than just behind a wash cloth.
"Let's hide!"

"Wheres Jules at?! Where'd he go?!
"Did you hear Jules?! Where is Jules at?!

"Well there you are! I couldn't find you!"

"hehehe...wheres Jules at mommy?!"
"Where did he go?! Where is Jules?!"
Basically, hide & seek around his house is more of an acting gig for the husband & I. And we're cool with that. And Jules? He believes in the magic.
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